World’s oldest accountancy body is 170 years young!

This month see’s the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) proudly celebrate its 170th birthday, as the world’s oldest professional body of chartered accountants.

It was founded by Royal Charter in 1854, and in 1855 introduced the designatory letters ‘CA’. 2024 saw ICAS introduced ‘CA24’ – a new syllabus and way of learning for accountants. It is being hailed as one of the biggest shake-ups in the institute’s history.

ICAS has also launched its ‘Shaping the Profession’ project, which will map out an ambitious future for accountants.

Bruce Cartwright CA, CEO at ICAS, said: “It’s no exaggeration to expect the pace and scale of change over the next five years to be faster than at any time in the last 170. While technological advancements, sustainability reporting developments, governance reforms and regulation continue to reshape the profession, our legacy serves as a reminder of the need for resilience and capacity for adaptability.”  

To mark its anniversary and inspire the next generation of accountancy professionals, ICAS launched a nationwide competition asking school children to design the front cover of CA magazine – the monthly digital publication for accountancy and business professionals. Hundreds of pupils nationwide created artwork reflecting ICAS’ legacy and highlighting themes that are important for creating a better world to grow up in, with the winning entry featured in the magazine’s December issue.