We all need better financial education

The new Labour government needs to deliver a programme of better financial education in all UK schools, says Grace Hardy, a 21-year-old member of the AAT and PQ magazine award finalist.

She stressed a common theme amongst the 16-24 year olds, who follow her channels, is that financial terms can be overwhelming – with many not acting quickly to deal with bad debt, such as credit card interest repayments, because of ‘finance fear’.

Hardy believes financial education was too important to be simply crammed into A-level maths. Instead, there are two big reasons she says she wants an ‘accessible financial education overhaul’: “Number one, the social media era has brought the social media scam with it. Get rich quick schemes, shady investments, people pretending to be someone they’re not – it’s never been a more important time for our country to be finance smart.

“Number two, teaching proper, practical financial education with skills you can use, will lead to young people being more money confident, so more of us can take control of our financial futures. We can unleash a generation of entrepreneurs by removing finance fear from blocking them following their dreams – like starting a business.” Hardy has also launched her own Unconventional Podcast, sponsored by the AAT, offering business and finance advice to young entrepreneurs and freelancers. Check it out at:
