The Happiness Index: Why Today’s Employee Emotions Equal Tomorrow’s Business Success, by Matt Phelan (Wiley, £18.99)
Matt Phelan wants us to reconnect with the natural world, as by doing so not only will we thrive but we will also help protect the planet. He says we are currently going through the fourth industrial revolution (the digital revolution), but we are still the same human beings that lived a few thousand years ago. His concern is if we disconnect ourselves from nature a fourth time, we once again lose a part of what makes us human. Phelans explains: “We don’t expect plants to grow without the right components such as light and healthy soil, and we should not expect employees to grow without creating the right environment to thrive.”
He feels the world is at a crossroads. And although guarding against dystopia states is still of significant importance to the future of humanity, he says there is also an equally dangerous future where organisations create highly controlled worlds where humans can be led by despotic billionaire leaders. Do you think he has someone in mind already?
When it comes to AI he believes it can free us, giving our lives back by automating those tasks that mean we don’t have time for our own well-being, families and friends. But he warns AI can also be used to control us on a scale that has not been seen before: “AI can be the tool that not even George Orwell predicted.” It is now down to us to decide the future, remembering AI isn’t going away. It will shape the future of work and we are the only people who can make sure this future is a positive one.
PQ rating 5/5 As Phelan says the well-being of humans and the planet are inextricably linked and the aim of the book is to help improve the daily lives of ordinary people. Job done Matt.