Just two ICAEW professional level PQs out of 6,248 sitters decided to sit four exams in June. It wasn’t a great choice as both failed all four papers!
Two, however, remains the magic number, if you want to pass all the papers you sit. The pass rate for those sitting two and passing both is 77.9%. This is much higher than those opting to sit one exam. In June the pass rate for one-paper sitters was 65.8%.
The 6,000 plus candidates sat a total of 10,923 exams, with 4,566 passing all the exams they took. In all 1,504 students passed the Professional Level this session, with 840 of these not failing any exams.
Tax compliance had the highest pass rate of all the exams at 89.1%, followed by Business Strategy & Technology at 87.1%, and Financial Management with an 83.6% pass rate.
The paper with the lowest pass rate was Business Planning: Banking at 64.1%.
Audit & Assurance 79.9%
Financial Accounting & Reporting (IFRS) 80.5%
Financial Accounting & Reporting (UKGAPP) 82.8%
Tax Compliance 89.1%
Business Planning: Taxation 83.4%
Business Planning: Banking 64.1%
Business Planning: Insurance 84.8%
Business Strategy & Technology 87.1%
Financial Management 83.6%