July 2023
Have your accountancy exams made you cry recently? Well, quite a few sitting the ACCA June SBR exam admitted it did all get a bit much for them!
One student revealed they called their mum after the exam and started crying. Although, they did add they can be quite dramatic!
However, they were not alone, another PQ said: “It was horrific, first time I’ve come out of an exam and cried. I’ve passed all my others first time but setting myself up to resit this one.” They were gutted because of the long hours of revision they had put in. They explained: “The knowledge was there, but that exam was just cruel.”
Yet another sitter revealed: “What on earth was that! That was a horrific exam, I nearly cried half way through and had to take a three- minute break as my mind froze and I went blank.”
Hardly surprising then that in the Open Tuition Instant Poll taken immediately after the SBR exam, some 42% of sitters felt the June test was ‘hard’, and for another 35% it was a ‘disaster’.