Students in London are the happiest

April 2023

Students in London are more likely than those in all other English regions to say their experience exceeded their expectations, according to a new Living and Learning in London report.

In fact, London studiers are so happy they are also joint most likely of all English regions to say they would choose the same course and institution again (61%, the same as the North West).
In answering to the question ‘Overall, how satisfied are you with your life nowadays?’ London students were significantly more likely to rate their happiness out of 10 at either nine or 10 than those in any other part of the UK.

More students in the capital also feel their courses provide good value for money, and the results are again more positive than in the other English regions. This may be due in part to factors including the greater number of commuter students in London, as they may have different expectations of the student experience.

International students (a group comprising a disproportionately high proportion of the London student population) are more likely to view their courses as providing good value for money than those paying ‘home’ fees, and are also more satisfied with their lives.

They may arrive well prepared for the cost of living in the capital, owing in part to the need to prove they have sufficient funds before applying for a visa. London students, including international students, are however more likely than those in all other UK areas to indicate that tuition fees are a financial issue for them.