Securing a safe future climate a long way off!

The world is falling dangerous short of the ambition that is needed to secure a safe future climate, says Emma Cox, PwC UK’s Global Climate Leader.

Commenting on the WMO State of the Global Climate in 2023 report she added that the world’s collective failure to get to grips with climate change leaves us on the cusp of an unpredictable and economically destructive time.

Cox said: “We must now bend the curve on emissions growth and urgently seize the opportunity to realign our global economy and net zero pathway with a 1.5°C future climate.”

PwC’s latest Net Zero Economy Index shows that a year-on-year decarbonisation rate of 17.2% is now required to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels – seven times greater than what was achieved over the last year (2.5%) and 12 times faster than the global average (1.4%) over the past two decades.

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