Netting off the numbers

Richard Sage FCA was clearing a series of accounts which had amounts that netted off many-to-one rather than one-to-one, and unclear references.
Frustrated with moving numbers in and out of columns in Excel to try to see which combination(s) summed to zero, he searched online for a tool to help.
The closest was Solver in Excel, but that is limited, awkward, and very slow for more than a handful of numbers, so he created the initial version of what became

He then found himself using it for other purposes, like identifying backdated postings, separating reclassification issues from net differences; even for bringing forward, and creating bank reconciliations.
The tool is now an online offering for all, free for small-scale use, and modestly priced thereafter.
As Sage told PQ magazine: “It is Apparently Trivial, but that doesn’t stop it being Jolly Useful.” “If it only saves an average user one hour each month, that’s 1.5 whole days a year,” he added.