CIMA needs to provide more online study resources on the main website, claims a leading tutor. They said that currently there are 8 articles under exam technique and 11 under study support, with technical articles, ‘coming soon’. She said: “Are CIMA telling us these 19 articles do the job? Have they looked at what ACCA provides its PQs – the comparison is embarrassing.”
They said CIMA needs to up its game and start providing real insight into how students can pass these difficult exams. She emphasised: “CIMA needs to do a benchmark exercise and step away from the day-to-day challenges, to decide what a body in 2021 should be providing. It’s great that they recently gave students a free resit, but why not make the resources better and more focused, so students can pass first time? What message does this also send to prospective students”
That said, the free resit is still available to students who scheduled an OT exam between 1 February and 31 July 2021. The free resit is also valid for the operational case study, but not management or strategic case study.