At 54.9% the Advanced Diploma Synoptic Assessment has the dubious honour of being the AAT assessment with the worse pass rate, according to the latest figures.
The other papers where students struggle are Management Accounting: Decision and Control on 56.9%; Credit Management on 58.7%; and, Financial Statements of Limited Companies with a pass rate of 59.2%.
Getting a diploma also got harder for those at the Foundation Certificate level. Some 46% of candidates received a distinction compared to 50% in the previous table of results. There was, however, a tiny jump in the number of distinctions handed out to Professional Diploma in Accounting PQs – to 3%!
The overall CBA pass rates are holding up well. The Professional CBA pass rate is now 64.3%, and the Advanced level is 73.5%. At the Foundation CBAs the pass rate was 82.5%.
Check out all the AAT results in full in the latest PAQ magazine out now!