ICAEW Professional exam results are in

In all 4,743 ICAEW students sat the September 2023 Professional exam session. Some 8,010 exams were attempted, and 3,387 PQs passed all the exams they took.

A total of 722 students now move on to the final level, with 254 of these still not failing any exams.

The exam stats show one student sat all six Professional papers, and failed all six!

More than half (2,471) of sitters sat just one exam. Of these some 72.8% passed and 27.2%, or 673, students failed.

The pass rate for sitting three papers was slightly higher! Some 73.6% of the 1,000 or so who sat three papers passed them all.

All six students who sat the Business Planning Insurance paper passed (hence the 100% pass rate). Six PQs also sat the FAR (UK GAAP) exam and all six failed! The pass rate for FAR (IFRS) was much better at 64.7%, but this still left 644 sitters with a fail.

ICAEW SEPTEMBER 2023 PROFESSIONAL EXAM RESULTS: Audit & Assurance 80.1%; FAR (IFRS) 64.7%; FAR (UK GAAP) 0%; Tax Compliance 88.7%; BP: Tax 80.4%; BP: banking 62.7%; BP: Insurance 100%; Business Strategy & Technology 86.2%; Financial Management 82.9%.