ICAEW Advanced Level exam results

The results are in for the ICAEW Advanced Level November sitting.

In all just over 6,000 students sat 10,213 papers at the winter diet, and the overall pass rates were:

  • Case Study (ALCS) 81.8%
  • Corporate Reporting (ALCR) 78.9%
  • Strategi Business Management (ALSM) 83.6%

Some 1,614 trainees sat only ALCS paper at this sitting, and the pass rate for them was 86.9%. However, for those who just sat just ALSM the pass rate was 55.5%, and for ALCR one-paper sitters the pass rate was 51.5%.

In all 667 PQs sat all three papers, and of these 69.4% passed all three, with another 20% passing two out of three.

ICAEW also releases the European and Rest of the World pass rates separetly, although the small number of students sitting the exams outside Europe make direct comparisons hard (see below).

Winner of the annual order of merit was Faye Bottomley, who works for KPMG in London.

Exam pass rates       

                                                                         EUROPE                    REST OF THE WORLD

Case Study                                                       82.9%                                   64%

Corporate Reporting                                      82.7%                                   35.5%

Strategic Business Management                87.3%                                    39.6%