Block titleCIMA
Course Finder
Students love what we do! With a 4.9 rating on Trustpilot, we’ve helped 125,000+ pass their CIMA exams. We make complex topics easy to understand, focusing on what it really takes to succeed. CIMA trust us, too! We’re one of just three approved CGMA FLP providers in the UK, offering top-up courses to speedily get you through CIMA’s FLP.
CIMA Courses and Study Materials
Astranti Advanced CIMA FLP
Accounting CPD Subscription
HTFT Partnership
HTFT Partnership was founded on the vision and promise of offering a real alternative to professional finance and accountancy training.
We are committed to innovative digital delivery, putting learning and mastering at the heart of our training packages.
As an CIMA Register Tuition Provider and winner of the Global Pass Rate Excellence Award 2020, 2021 and 2022, we offer a range of live online and on-demand courses for CIMA, allowing you to choose the best approach for you:
Operational Level
Management Level
Strategic Level
VIVA delivers premium online tuition and support for CIMA students, at a
fraction of the cost of traditional providers. Winner of CIMA’s prestigious Global Pass Rate Excellence Award in 2020, VIVA has produced world prizewinning students at every level. HD video lectures, mock exams, downloadable notes and more. Rated 4.9 out of 5 on Trustpilot. Start learning today!
e-Careers is an EdTech institution that provides industry recognised courses and up-skilling solutions to individuals and organisations. We ensure innovation is at the heart of everything we do; resulting in programmes that are engaging, effective, accessible and affordable.
First Intuition
First Intuition began in 2007 with a single thought – to put the learner at the centre of everything. Since then we’ve won awards, opened a national network of study centres and now deliver to over 10,000 students per year. Find out more about us.
Consistently achieving the Global Pass Rate Excellence award, you can be confident that
Kaplan courses will help you succeed. As the official publisher of CIMA materials, and
the official partner of CGMA FLP skills premium, Kaplan offers more ways to study
towards the CGMA designation than any other provider. Whichever pathway you
choose, you’ll have access to high quality learning materials, expert tutor support, and
flexible funding options.
CGMA Study Hub
The CGMA® Study Hub provides a wide range of free, carefully curated content to aid your study, revision and exam preparation. Get insights from the examiners, markers and training providers, along with advice from top-performing candidates. It includes an onboarding guide, tricky topic tutorials, webcasts. study planning tools, wellbeing updates, one-on-one coaching, case study exam questions and answers and much more!
CGMA Finance Leadership Programme
The CGMA Finance Leadership Program (FLP) is a guided, digital-first learning and assessment experience. Learning is part of an all-inclusive subscription package and delivered online in a self-paced digital environment. You learn the material and sit online assessments at your own speed. You can study when you want, wherever you are, and even learn the topics in whichever order you like.