CIMA has ‘reintroduced’ its free exam resit offer. This time it is for three months!
Any students who are unsuccessful in their exams during October, November and December will receive a free resit. The same terms and conditions apply (see below).
PQs will receive an email from CIMA approximately 5-10 days after their exam confirming the exam credit has been added to their account. If you are unsuccessful in the exam you will need to wait for the email confirming the credit before going online to schedule the resit exam in the usual way.
CIMA’s terms and conditions are:
- Valid for any student sitting and failing a CIMA exam between 1 October and 31 December 2020
- This offer is valid for CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting exams and Operational, Management and Strategic qualification objective test levels only.
- This offer excludes Operational, Management and Strategic level Case Studies and any exam not in the English language.
- To receive the free exam resit, the student must have attempted and failed between 1 October and 31 December 2020. For example no shows are excluded.
- The free resit must be scheduled and taken within 90 days of the original sitting. No extensions are permitted.
- 90 days credit will start from the date CIMA processes the exam credit. Each student will be notified by email within 10 days of their exam failure that a credit has been added to their My CIMA account
- To be eligible students must have cleared any outstanding debt including their 2020 subscription fee.
- Ineligible students include those where the invigilator has stopped the exam for an infringement of exam policy.
- Only 1 free resit will be applied during the promotional period.
- Students that have already scheduled an exam in October, November or December 2020 are included in this offer and will be notified of this time limit.
- Students that are unsuccessful should wait to receive the email confirming their credit before scheduling their resit exam. The exam credit will be lost if the resit exam is scheduled before it been applied to your My CIMA account.
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