As part of their ongoing commitment to developing future accounting and finance professionals, and meet the needs of Generation Z, AICPA & CIMA have extended their mentoring programme to Africa, Europe and Canada.
First launched in the UK in 2022 to CIMA members and those who have completed the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) exams, this extended programme will says CIMA “widen the opportunities to learn from experienced professionals and develop the knowledge, networks, skills, and confidence they need to succeed”.
The expanded programme means that the mentoring relationships can now be global. Mentees will be paired with a mentor located anywhere in the UK, Europe, Africa, and Canada, and between them they will decide how frequently they want to connect either in person, through video conferencing or email. The initiative is an opportunity for those at the beginning of their careers to glean insight into developing a strategic mindset, honing essential skills, and making informed decisions.