Aston University’s Accounting Department has won a Global Excellence Award at the CIMA Excellence Awards for the second year running.
The annual CIMA awards recognise institutions and individuals across the world going above and beyond to shape the next generation of Chartered Global Management Accountants, and lead the accounting profession into the future.
The Accounting Department has been awarded Global High Distinction – CGMA Campus of the Year 2022. The award reflects the university’s graduates achieving the third highest number of CIMA exams taken over the previous 12 months per university campus globally with above average global pass rate, as well as the fourth highest global pass rate in CIMA Operational Level exams.
Andy Lymer, professor of taxation and personal finance and head of department of accounting in Aston Business School, said: “Ensuring our graduates are well prepared for long and successful careers in the accounting profession is a key focus of our approach to designing and delivering our accounting degrees, and where we work on other degrees with our accounting teaching.
“To be recognised for doing this at the level of one of the top three or four universities in the world by one of the major global accounting professional bodies is clearly great news for our students – current, past and future.
“It is also wonderful recognition for the great teaching team we have here that this award underlines are genuinely world class at what they do.”