GAAPweb want to learn more about the accountancy profession and the impact that the challenges and uncertainty of the pandemic has had on salaries and working lives throughout 2021.
Has the pandemic and associated candidate shortages driven up salaries and bonuses for finance professionals? What other changes have taken place for those working in accountancy?
To answer these questions – and many more – it needs your assistance.
We’re asking accountants, finance managers, CFOs, and other finance professionals at every level to share the details of their working lives. By doing so, it can then build a clear picture of the state of the industry.
It is also ask you about the themes and trends it has identified in previous GAAPweb audience surveys, such as the gender pay gap and an increase in working hours.
This survey will give you a unique opportunity to benchmark your salary too, allowing you to see if your compensation is in line with colleagues and the wider industry average.
To contribute to the 2022 GAAPweb Audience Insight Report click here.