The Latest ICAEW Professional exam result reveal the big differences in the pass rates of those sitting in Europe verses the Rest of the World.
For instance, while the pass rate for the Business Strategic & Technology paper this June was 90.6% in Europe, it was just 32.3% for the 99 students sitting in the Rest of the World.
The difference was also over 30% in Tax Compliance (78.4% v 44.3%), however in most of the other papers the Rest of the World pass rate is around 20% lower. It should be noted that while the numbers are statically small, they still represent real people trying to gain their ACA.
In all 7,525 students sat the June Professional Level exams this time around. Some 13,253 exams were attempted, with 5,590 PQs passing all the papers they sat.
The majority of sitters opted to sit two exams this session, with 74.4% passing both papers. Another 566 sitters passed one of the two they sat, and 307 (8.9%) failed both. Some 1,200 students sat three papers in June, and 75.7% passed all three. Just 42 students failed all three.
It is a different story for those opting to sit just one paper – with 73.2% passing, but 769 (26.8%) failing.
It all means 1,860 students passed the Professional Level this session, with 949 not failing any exams.
ICAEW PROFESSIONAL EXAM RESULTS JUNE 2024: Audit & Assurance 83.8%; Financial Accounting & Reporting (IFRS) 83.2%; Financial Accounting & Reporting (UK GAAP) 85.2%; Tax Compliance 77.2%; Business Planning: Taxation 77.8%; Business Planning: Banking 76%; Business Planning: Insurance 85.7%; Business Strategy & Technology 87.7%; Financial Management 86.4%