How were the ACCA September FM and AFM exams?


A challenging test, a disaster, not ideal, even crazy, according to some. Section A & B was called brutal. Many are preparing for a resit!

One student wondered: “Who on earth thinks up such mad convoluted questions, they start to make you question the very reason for your existence!”

“No NPV, no WAVC, no buy or lease…that was a hard exam,” explained another sitter.

Open Tuition instant poll: 3% ‘easy’, 36% ‘OK’, 44% ‘hard’, and 17% ‘disaster’.


The valuation question was seen as the toughest question on the paper. All quite apart from that!

Questions that came up were NPV with BSOP, mergers and acquisitions, and multi-netting and treasury function theory

Top tutor Sunil Bhandari believes the pass rate for September’s AFM will stay as they are, or they could go even higher! Bandari has rated the exam an 8.5 out of 10. He didn’t think many students would be moaning after this sitting (and he is right), as they sat a ‘fair’ and ‘reasonable’ paper. “If you prepare well you are going to do well,” he stressed. Check out Sunil Bhandari’s great exam review on:

Open Tuition instant poll: 9% ‘easy’, 58% ‘OK’, 24% ‘hard’, and 9% ‘disaster’.