What were the day 4 exams like? Here’s your feedback on FR and SBR…

Strategic Business Reporting (SBR)

The Open Tuition Poll shows this was a disaster for a whopping 42% of sitters! Another 34% found it hard, and just 21% found the sitting OK!

As on sitter said: “That was terrible”. Another explained: “Well that was interesting! I found I had sooo much to type it became actually painful to my wrists.”

The comments kept coming. “That was horrendous, I don’t even know what to say,” said a sitter. Yet another just said their brain was fried.

Some felt it was just unfair and not comparable to any previous past paper. “Hardest exam I have ever sat I think.”

Financial Reporting (FR)

Section A and B were described as ‘quite tricky’ and ‘difficult’. sS one sitter explained: “In section A quite a few questions needed two-part answers, which made it hard.”

Section C was much more familiar, and PQs liked the pre format as this saved them time.

There were more complaints about the small computer screens: “The computer screen was extremely small, and the display view in section C questions especially – it was a big joke!”

In the Open Tuition instant poll just 11% said the exam was a disaster – that’s low! Some 47% said it was OK and 8% felt it was easy.