Final June ACCA exam day, so how was FM and AFM? Not bad seems to be the verdict!

FM: It seems section C was ‘nicer’ than what was set before! Many admitted to struggling with sections A & B. As one PQ said: “Section C was decent and A & B were a bit wordy”. Others said the exam gods were kind. Another sitter wanted to know why Islamic finance hadn’t come up – they knew it so well!

Overall, sitters thought this test was OK. Someone even ventured the June exam was ‘good’.

AFM: How was AFM? – well, lots of people found their 50-marker hard and time pressured. One sitter said: “I found it horrible, a couple of things came up that I’ve never seen before and I wasted so much time worrying about them that I could not finish the bits I did know.”

The Open Tuition Instant Poll confirms this one was OK to hard, rather than a disaster though. Let’s hope that’s reflected in the pass rates.