ACCA June 2024 exams – feedback from day three

How was day three of the ACCA June exams? Here’s some of the feedback…


Overall, it was described as an OK exam even good for some! However, sitters said they found the regression analysis question in section C brutal, one even said all they wanted to do was scream! There was someone sitting in front of one of those struggling ‘dancing in his chair’ – he obviously had been revising the right topic!

Some PQs are still having technical issues. We heard of sitters at home and an issue at the Whitechapel centre.

In the Open Tuition Instant Poll one in four (24%) said the exam was a disaster, and another 36% said it was a hard test this time around. Another third said the exam was OK.


‘A very difficult exam’ and ‘I did not enjoy that exam’ were two comments we picked up from APM sitters.

Too many students talked about rushing through the exam, knowing they were ‘messing up’.

As one PQ said it just made them feel miserable at the prospect of sitting APM again!

The examiner also expects you to know your PM stuff

That said in the Open Tuition Instant Poll 41% of sitters felt the exam was OK. Another 36% said the exam was hard and 19% had a disaster.


This June’s sitting was described as a ‘very tricky exam’, others just said they found it very difficult.

This is backed up by the Open Tuition Instant Poll were a whopping 40% of sitters said they found the exam hard. Another 19% had a disaster.