Just how taxing were the tax exams on day two? We also have feedback on the new-look SBL exam
Bit of a mixed review from students. As one PQ said: “Section A and section B was really tough, but section C wasn’t too bad.” Another said: “Personally find section C quite hard.”
Just over half (53%) of those registering their opinion on the Open Tuition Instant Poll said the exam was OK, with 29% saying it was hard, and a further 14% have a disaster.
‘Pretty happy’ and ‘a reasonable set of questions’, with ‘nothing too niche or attempts to trip you up’. That is how some describe this September’s ATX sitting.
One PQ admits they finished the exam 40 minutes early! We particularly like the student who said: “Question paper was really easy, but the answers seemed difficult!”
In the Open Tuition Instant Poll 16% of sitters said the exam was a disaster and 37% found it hard. Just 40% said it was OK.
Despite it being in the June exam some sitters were surprised to see culture come up again.
One sitter said: “The pre-seen was largely redundant in use, other than to give you a feel for the industry.” They also felt the exam required very little syllabus knowledge, but were worried because it did not feel challenging in any way.
Disruptive technology came up, but some felt all the answers were in the extract! Student struggled here, and many felt they were just repeating themselves.
Unfortunately, we read that one student had prepared for a 4-hour exam! Surely there are no excuses for not knowing about the changes.