ACCA December Day Two feedback

Here’s our feedback from Tuesday’s sitting…


As one PQ said: “It wasn’t difficult or tricky, but I ran out of time and left the last question incomplete.” Another admitted: “I didn’t get to Q4 as I ran out of time!”.

Many other sitters admit they too overran on time too, especially with Q1, and they were then forced to “hastily answer the rest of the questions”.

Feedback generally however was that this SBL exam was ‘OK’ and ‘a fair paper overall’.

One worry was some students found it hard to link to the exhibits when answering questions.

Sitters seems to almost enjoy answering about the scientism on acquisition and big data.


Sittters found TX hard this time around, but then it always is!


One in four sitters said the ATX December paper was a ‘disaster’, according to the Open Tuition Poll. One called it ‘a weird one’, another thought it was fair, but they were afraid they hadn’t written enough. And, for yet another the whole thing was just a blur as there is so much to do in 3 hours and 15 minutes!