ACA Professional Level exam results

Just over 5,000 students sat 8,413 September Professional Level exams, and the results are in!

Most students took just the one paper (2,558), and 71.9% passed what they were sitting, with 28.1% (719 sitters) failing.

Some 879 sitters took three papers in September. Of these 74.2% passed all three, another 15% passed two out of three, and 6% one out of three.

At 86.9% Business Strategy & Technology had the highest pass rate this time around. Just 50% of those sitting Financial Accounting & Reporting (UK GAAP) passed, but this was a very small sample!

Comparisons of pass rates between students sitting in Europe and the Rest of the World look stark in some papers. For instance, while the pass rate in Europe for Financial Management is 73.2%, in the Rest of the World it is 39.7%. That means nearly two in every three sitters outside Europe failed the paper in September.

ICAEW PROFESSIONAL LEVEL SEPTEMBER 2024 PASS RATES: Audit and Assurance: 78.1%; Business Planning: Banking: 66.0%; Business Planning: Insurance: 85.7%; Business Planning: Taxation: 76.6%; Business Strategy and Technology: 86.9%; Financial Accounting and Reporting (IFRS): 83.8%; Financial Accounting and Reporting (UK GAAP): 50.0%; Financial Management: 71.1%; Tax Compliance: 78.4%.