The latest AAT pass rates are out and they are looking much better…in most cases.
The IBLW Foundation paper jumped 4% on the annual pass rate six months ago, to 58%, and AVBK was up to 67.4%.
At the Professional level pass rates for BSTX (74.9%), ETAU (63.1%), and FSLC (59.4%) all saw healthy rises in the pass rates on those published in June last year.
One paper that hasn’t seen a rise is the Advanced Diploma Synoptic Assessment which slipped to 57.8% this time around. It was 61.6% last time around.
The pass rate for PLTX also slipped back to 62.9%.
The assessment with the lost pass rate remains MDCL. There was a slight rise to 53.9%, but this exam remains the one to pass!
Overall, pass rates are looking better, in general too, with the Professional CBA pass rate now standing at 62.8%, and Advanced level at 72.9%.
Getting a distinction is still pretty tough. For the Professional Diploma in Accounting its still 2%, with the number of merits awarded at this level falling from 45% to 44%.
That said some 50% of sitters at the Foundation Certificate in Accounting received a distinction, as they started their AAT journey.
AAT annual pass rates to 31 December 2019: AASW 84.8%; ABSK 94.4%; ATBK 96; BKCL 71.5%; BPLS 94.9%; BTRN 87.4%; ELCO 86.3%; FSYA 87.1%; IBLW 58.3%; INPY 89.7%; UACS 86.6%; AVBK 67.4%; AVSY 57.8%; FAPR 76.9%; IDRX 80.2%; MMAC 85.2%; BSTX 74.9%; CDMT 59.2%; CTRM 60.5%; ETAU 63.1%; FSLC 59.4%; MABU 76.1% MDCL 53.9%; PDSY 58.9%; PLTX 62.9%