The December pass rates are in, and ACCA is calling them a ‘robust’ set of results!
In all 132,301 exams were taken and 4,503 students completed all their exams and now move to affiliate status.
Some 49% of those sitting the Advanced Taxation paper passed – that is a record pass rate for this Strategic Professional Option. The AFM pass rate also held steady at 45%.
However, some two in three candidates are still failing the APM and AAA papers. Since The spring of 2021 neither of these papers pass rates has gone above 34%, except APM in March 2023, when it rose to the dizzy height of 35%.
Meanwhile, the SBL pass rate was the highest ever too at 52%, and exactly half of those sitting SBR passed.
The Applied Skills pass rates held steady this time around. Those sitting the Taxation paper manged a 54% pass rate, with Audit and Assurance paper being the lowest pass rate at 41%. PM wasn’t far behind at 42%, so no real change there.
Alan Hatfield, executive director – content, quality and innovation, said: : “A huge congratulations to the students who have achieved success in this session, it’s always pleasing to see so many students focus on their journey towards ACCA membership as demonstrated by this robust set of results.”
He also reminded students that pass rates remain up to 20% better for students who use the ACCAA exam Practice Platform!
ACCA DECEMBER 2023 PASS RATES: BT 85%; FA 69%; MA 68%; LW 78%; TX 54%; FR 48%; PM 42%; FM 48%; AA 41%; SBL 52%; SBR 50%; AAA 34%; AFM 45%; SPM 34%; ATX 49%