AAT has unveiled plans to give its students a real voice with the launch of its new Student Advisory Group.
This is part of changes to give stakeholders a say in how AAT can best support their needs moving forward. AAT is also creating both training provider and employer advisory groups at the same time.
AAT told PQ magazine: “At AAT we put our dynamic, inclusive community of 70,000 students at the heart of everything we do, to provide them with accessible qualifications and support to achieve their goals for the future.
“However, we also know each student’s experience is different, and understanding those experiences is key to informing and understanding customers as we shape the future direction of our products and services so they meet the needs of students, employers, and the wider economy in a rapidly changing world.
“That’s why we’re launching our new Student Advisory Group, which will play a key role in how AAT develops over the next year and beyond.”
The group aims to build a strong, supportive student community and create a clear voice for students within AAT. It will focus on topics such as study support, student experience, qualifications, communications, barriers to progression, and career development.
AAT stressed that the group will be a collaborative and confidential environment for students. As part of the group, they’ll also have access to networking and professional development opportunities and a chance to provide feedback on AAT products and services.
AAT is looking for 30 students who can commit to the group for 12 months from 1 September 2023, with one meeting per quarter (three online and one face-to-face).
If you’d like to be part of this group, please visit the AAT website and complete the expression of interest form before 31 August.
Training providers and employers will also have the opportunity to be a part of their respective advisory groups – they can express their interest by speaking to their AAT Account Manager.
Check out all the latest news first in the new PQ magazine, out now: https://issuu.com/pqpublishing/docs/pq_sept_23_-_multi