What was the feedback about the first day of the March sitting – here’s what you said…
Audit & Assurance (AA)
Sitters said the MCQs were ‘rather difficult’ and ‘very tough’. The words ‘horrible’ and ‘weird’ were also used to describe section A. What upset one sitter was the fact that it was “impossible to even take a good guess”. Others admitted spending too long on the MCQs. They were harder than the mocks.
Section B was felt to be more ‘standard’, and not too bad at all!
Some PQs are also no liking the keyboard and mouse they are saddled with! “Its genuinely the worst equipment I’ve ever used,” said one. Other explained they had to spend so much time correcting typos.
In the Open Tuition Instant Poll nearly half (47.6%) felt the March exam was OK, some 30% said it was hard and 13.5% said it was a disaster.
Advanced Audit & Assurance (AAA)
Another time-pressured test for sitters. Some also felt the question requirements were “a bit oddly worded”.
As one sitter put it: “Overall it was a tough exam, mainly because the industries were niche – textiles, theme parks and smart tech, there weren’t clear signposts for bits of the answers especially in section A, and there was a lot of content to think about. Section B was OK if you know a lot about intangibles, if not I think you struggle here. Confusing financial information too.”
The Q3 on due diligence was deemed ‘weird’ and one sitter admitted they “couldn’t make head or tail of it…by the time I got to grips with the requirement it was time for me to move on to the next question”.
One in three (32.4%) of sitters in the Open Tuition Poll found March a hard test, with another 15.6% saying the sitting was a disaster for them.