CIMA has launched a learning resource centre and fundamental series to help all finance professionals take advantage of the growing opportunities emerging technology presents.
It is providing free learning resources on the ‘fundamentals’ of digital disruption – automation, blockchain, cyber security, data analytics and ethics.
Designed to help develop a digital mindset, the topic blocks come on stream from April through to October 2019. A quiz for finance professionals is also available to test your current level of knowledge and see how you compare with their peers. Go to
The first set of resources cover Automation and provide a great understanding of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Building on the first theme of digital disruption, new resources will become available on: blockchain (May); cyber security (June); data analytics (July); and ethics and the challenges posed by new technologies (October).
The full resources (free to students and professionals) on the A, B, C, D of digital finance can be found at: