What would you do for your friends? Let’s hope it’s not to sit an ACCA exam for them! Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened when one PQ student felt he had not done enough work to pass his F3 exam and just ‘panicked’. An ACCA investigation discovered Hassan Ali Hassan and Mujahid Zuhur Shamsher secretly agreed that Hassan should sit Shamsher’s exam for him at the Strathmore University CBE centre, in Keyan. However, the plan fell apart when the exam co-ordinator quickly noticed Hassan’s appearance and details differed from those on the university system. And, although he first tried to maintain the pretence, Hassan eventually confirmed he was impersonating Shamsher.
Both students provided statements admitting their guilt the following day. The ACCA disciplinary Committee then stepped in and both ‘friends’ were removed from the student registered and ordered to pay costs.
Meanwhile, Dublin-based CIMA PQ, Yash Soni, has been caught trying to use a WhatsApp group to discover what was in the Operational Case Study exams. Soni admitted he had tried to obtain information during the period of a professional exam, which would have given him an ‘unfair advantage’. A CIMA disciplinary committee hearing found him guilty of misconduct and his OCS exam was voided. He also received a severe reprimand and told to sit the Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law, before sitting any further CIMA exams. Cost of £330 were issued against Soni.