ACCA December exam feedback – Day Two

How did TX and SBL go? Here what those sitting thought…

“Was just about OK,” is how one sitter described TX this sitting.
The worry was there was a lot on IHT and group accounts. The CGT question in section B was not a favourite either! It means some thought the exam was “awful”
Some 16% of those voting on the Open Tuition Instant Poll felt the exam was a disaster and another 39% said it was hard. That left 41% thinking it was OK.

Some PQs were worried that the new format of SBL doesn’t offer them the opportunity to apply the syllabus models effectively. As one explained: “The questions were quite broad and didn’t align with the SBL models.”
In the Open Tuition Instant Poll some 52% of sitters ticked the OK box. Another 30% said it was hard and for 14% it was a disaster.